Web Application Programming and Hacking

Front-end Web Development Individual Project

Instructor: Dr. Phu Phung

Student: Vijaykumar Gandi

Course Overview

Throughout this course, Design and implement a secure web solution tailored to specific computing needs, incorporating an understanding of web application security principles, threat identification, and effective countermeasures. Gain hands-on experience with contemporary technologies to mitigate security risks, ensuring the development of robust web applications.


In Lab 1, Explore Wireshark for HTTP protocol analysis, utilize telnet for sending HTTP requests, and inspect responses. Develop a Hello World CGI application in C, and a PHP web app, incorporating user input. Examine HTTP GET and POST requests with Wireshark and curl, comparing their differences and similarities.

Lab 2

In the Lab2 This lab involves creating a web page with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript covering basic HTML forms, displaying a digital and analog clock, AJAX requests, jQuery integrations, and Web API interactions. Task 1 focuses on HTML and JavaScript fundamentals, including form handling and clock displays. Task 2 advances to AJAX, CSS styling, jQuery for AJAX requests, and API calls for fetching jokes and estimating age based on names.

Hackathon 1 Overview:

This hackathon involves executing reflected XSS attacks across seven levels to display your name via alert, alongside guessing vulnerabilities in a web application's source code. Subsequently, it requires fortifying your code against XSS through input validation and encoding, with all changes documented and pushed to GitHub. The event spans understanding and mitigating XSS vulnerabilities, underpinned by practical exercises and theoretical guidance from lectures.

project 1 Overview:

In this project, we will Build a professional profile on GitHub Pages with resume, course details, using Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and integrate two Web APIs. Include clocks, email toggle, and personalize visitor greetings with cookies. This project has general, non-technical, and technical requirements.